Essential Self Help for Children under 3 years:
Toddlers gain confidence when they practise self-help techniques. Children have a tendency to desire to do things on their own. Supporting your child's self-care, such as letting them feed themselves, helps them feel less stressed and improves their self-esteem.
Developing your child's independence takes time and effort. Up until the day they leave home, children continue to acquire new self-care techniques. Young children are encouraged to begin accepting personal responsibility by teaching them self-help skills.
Every child is capable, resourceful, and a creator of their own knowledge, according to Petit Early Learning Journey. Children feel more capable when we give them the freedom to take care of themselves. Their participation helps to expand their learning opportunities.
Here is a list of self-help abilities to enhance your toddler's sense of agency, independence, and confidence.
What do toddler self-help abilities entail?
Children gradually develop self-help skills to increase their independence. It include putting on clothes, taking a shower, and brushing one's teeth. It's about acquiring practical knowledge so they can support themselves independently.
Self-help skills, commonly referred to as self-care skills, fall into four categories that are fundamental:
clothing and grooming oneself.
bathroom use and hygiene.
assisting with chores
Toddlers can learn a variety of self-help techniques that promote independence and learning. These self-care abilities will be gradually acquired by your child through experience, repetition, and encouragement.
Categorise of self-help abilities by age.
However, each child develops in a unique way. While some toddlers pick up new skills fast, others might not be ready yet. Give your child the resources they require, act as an example for them, and then give them the freedom to decide when they are ready.
Kids engage in outdoor pursuits like climbing. assisting kids in becoming self-sufficient.
assisting infants in learning how to help themselves
A 1-year-coordination Old's improves along with their desire for independence. Even though your youngster could become frustrated, promote awareness and allow them room to experiment.
Climbing stairs: Your youngster will discover the thrill of climbing between the ages of 12 and 18 months. They'll want to climb on anything and everything. Climbing the stairs securely while you are present is an important skill for kids to acquire. Begin by taking their hand in yours. Walk up the stairs behind them as they gain confidence. Tripping and falling are natural components of the learning process. Continue to assist them.
Holding forks and spoons: Your child's fine motor abilities are developing, and they will learn to hold crayons, pencils, and paintbrushes. They may also be able to begin holding a fork, or spoon to assist them in eating. Place the utensils near their bowl and let them to choose when they are ready to use them.
When a child has mastered walking up the stairs, they will want to try going down the steps. To begin, encourage your youngster to go down the stairs on their tummy, feet first. They can attempt it on their bottom when they're more confident.
Holding and drinking from a Sippy cup: A child can learn to hold and drink from a Sippy cup between the ages of one and two.
Toilet training may begin between the ages of 18 and 24 months for certain children. Others may take closer to three years to establish an interest. Discuss readiness with your child care educator and plan training together.
Self-help abilities in 2-year-old children
As your child approaches his or her second birthday, their pincer grip will strengthen and muscle growth will improve. It is now possible to eat with a fork and spoon. Keep those bibs accessible in case they get a bit messy while learning this new ability.
Brushing your teeth with your child every morning and night will help them mimic your behaviour and improve their hand-eye coordination. You may need to finish brushing their teeth to ensure that they are thoroughly cleansed. Allow them to examine your teeth as well.
Brushing hair: This is another skill kids can learn by imitating your movements while standing beside you in front of a mirror. It is critical to promote appropriate hygiene habits.
Carrying their own belongings: This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to practise bringing their own school bag into the studio.
Drinking from an open cup: As your child learns to drink from an open cup, Sippy cups will become obsolete.
Self-feeding: They will gain confidence in feeding themselves using finger food and cutlery.
Going themselves to places: Rather than being carried, your youngster will enjoy walking into the studio in the morning. It will increase their self-esteem and sense of autonomy.
Toy storage: This is an excellent age to begin training your child to store their toys and clean up after themselves. Your toddler will begin to understand simple instructions such as "Put your toys away."
Three-year-olds' self-care abilities
Children will learn about taking turns, interacting, and making friends as they engage with other children more. Playing with other kids will increase their independence and confidence as they learn to accomplish things on their own.
Show your youngster how to wash and dry their hands (you may use our hand washing songs) and explain why it is important. Personal hygiene, such as smelling clean and fresh, will boost their self-esteem while also improving their health by preventing unneeded infections and stomach bugs.
Eating family meals: Your youngster will now be able to feed itself and eat the same items as the rest of the family, albeit in smaller portions. They will continue to explore their senses in terms of food colours, textures, and tastes. Invite them to assist you with setting their plate and utensils, as well as simple food preparation.
While they may not yet be able to hang clothes, you can begin teaching your child how to put away essential items such as socks and underwear. They can pick up their clothes from the floor and put them in the laundry, as well as play "fold" with socks.
Problem-solving: Allow your youngster to try to solve (non-harmful) problems on their own. Don't be too eager to jump in and assist them. Your youngster will learn via trial and error between the ages of three and four. Encourage a positive attitude in order to improve their cognitive growth and independence.
Road safety: This is an excellent age to start teaching your child about road safety. Kids will be walking along pavements closer to moving cars and other vehicles as they spend less time in the stroller. Provide straightforward explanations to assist them in learning the rules.
Blowing nose: Some youngsters are ready to learn how to blow their nose by the age of two, while others may require a little longer. Blowing should be gently, similar to blowing out the candles on a birthday cake, but through your nose.
When your child sneezes, teach them to sneeze into a tissue or the crook of their elbow. They're also old enough to understand why it's crucial to avoid sneezing everywhere and on others.
Cleaning their dishes: After eating, encourage your child to scrape any leftovers and rinse their plates. You can also educate children to place their dirty bibs in the dirty laundry basket.
Encourage your youngster to help with chores, cleaning, and other self-care activities to foster independence. Teaching toddlers self-help skills would also help them prepare for school.
Making new acquaintances, doing new things, and doing things for oneself are all important self-help skills for school preparedness.